Friday, July 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes

Here we are at the end of July and there's so much going on...I'll just give you the run down.

We are about to become a family of four.  Baby girl is due any day now (officially, August 15th) and "progress" is being made.  I had accepted that we may be a family of three and was finally OK with that outcome, so it is very surreal to me to be on the precipice of becoming a family of four.  Very strange.

Junior has always said he wanted to be a priest.  Now he thinks he may want to marry Jesse (from the To.y St.ory movies).  He's only three, so we have some time before he has to make a real decision in this department.

Work is work.  I wish I could take off some time before baby arrives, but it is not going to be possible.  There is too much work to do and I am training a new person at the same time.  It would be delightful to go into labor this weekend so as not to return to the office on Monday. can dream.

Our calendar is almost entirely clear this weekend.  I can't remember the last time we had nothing to do all weekend, but we purposefully kept it clear in case baby girl makes her grand debut.  I think Mr. Amen can't handle a "free" weekend, so he has developed an extensive "to-do list" and schedule for what we can do this weekend.  I may ignore it entirely.  Not sure yet.

Any ideas for super easy meals that can be thrown together in a crock pot or made in just a few minutes of prep time?  I have about 6 feezer meals (that serve 6 people each) stashed away...but I could stand to have a few things up my sleeve for when those meals just won't cut it.

Have I ever mentioned how much I like my OB?  I asked him if he had ever heard of sterile water injections to relieve back pain during labor and he admitted that he had never heard of them, but would be happy to learn about them.  I am sending him some information so he can read up on it.
What a cool doctor!

Speaking of a cool doctor...I also have a cool doula all lined up for the delivery.  We've had birth classes with her over the past 2 weeks and we are really glad we hired her.  She is a wealth of knowledge and very patient and reassuring.  She has me taking all sort of homeopathic "stuff" to get labor going and has me taking Red Raspberry Leaf capsules, Evening Primose Oil and a host of other stuff to get this baby out.  The urgency is that I can't really be induced because of a prior C-section.  So I have a deadline that I need to go into labor by.  All they can offer me is a little bit of pitocin to help regulate the contractions once they start going.  Come on labor!

Visit Jen for for Quick Takes and make some new cyber-friends along the way!