Friday, July 26, 2013

Post 5 of 7 - My Departure Memo

Well, since I got to be home in the afternoon today, I thought I'd post a little early and get my Departure Memo up for your reading pleasure. For privacy reasons and because I am a Compliance girl in my heart, I removed the name(s) of the firm(s) I worked for and everyone else's name has been taken out.

I can't believe I am really leaving the firm and that my last day is next Friday. It's gonna be very strange not getting up, getting dressed and driving the ~30 miles to the office 5 days a week. There are definitely aspects of the job I will miss. There are many aspects that I won't miss at all (I'm looking at you, assistant from h-e-double-hockey-sticks). Here is what was posted for everyone to read:

I have drafted my partner speech a thousand times, but didn’t anticipate writing a green memo. My career at [firm name] and her related entities is winding down and I write this filled with a mix of emotions including sadness, nervousness, trepidation, giddiness, and anticipation of good things on the horizon. When I tell you that I’m eagerly expecting our third child in January, you’ll probably blame these tumultuous emotions on those darn “pregnancy hormones”. But I think if you’ve known me over the past 10 years, you’ll recognize that an emotional melting pot like the one above is almost always present under the cool and collected surface of your favorite Compliance Harasser Annoyer Analyst.

I’ve made the truly difficult decision to leave the firm to pursue other “interests”. These interests consist primarily of changing diapers of the non-fresh variety for the self-made army of short people that is rapidly taking over my home, ruining my stuff, and spending my money. But I’ll also have time to focus on other fun things such as homeschooling my kindergartener, continuing to speak at medical conferences and to write articles and curriculums for various publications and organizations, and, finally, perfecting my original recipes for delectable nut-free baked goods. Yes, I am that strange; you probably already had an inkling.

Recently, when Drew & Mike went off the air at WRIF, I took the opportunity to reflect on my first day at the firm. Stick with me here. I was all nostalgic remembering the happy memories the show had brought me over the years and sat down to write them a note of appreciation. I recalled, driving to the office on my very first day at [firm name], being quite nervous and apprehensive. Of course, I was listening to their show as I drove when Drew Lane said something to the effect of, “well, it’s not like he had a job at a really great company like {firm name].” My mind was immediately at ease, knowing I’d made the right decision to join the firm. If Drew says [firm name] is a great company (firm, Drew, we’re a firm), then I know it really is.

You are likely familiar with green memo patterns and recognize this as the part where the writer gets sappy and begins to thank people for the many kind and generous opportunities provided and the helpful advice offered over the years. So, let’s get on with it.

Mr. ABC brought me into the firm back in July 2003 and I am glad he did. He was and still is a great asset to [firm name] and a generous leader. He took a chance on a temporary Okie that wanted to replant herself in Michigan. It was under Tom’s leadership that I had my first taste of the incredible [firm name] culture that is touted from sea to shining sea by current, former and wannabe [firm]ers.

From [firm], I moved over to [related firm entity] as an analyst for two years. Mr. BCD and Mr. CDE are two of the most amazingly knowledgeable professionals I have ever had the pleasure to encounter. Under their tutelage, I was challenged to expand my skill set beyond what I thought was possible. I still use many of the lessons I learned in [related firm entity] on a daily basis and probably always will. Ms. DEF and Ms. EFG were always there to keep me grounded, offer advice and a listening ear. I am grateful to know these fantastic people. To this day, I miss working with them.

After [related firm entity], I briefly left the firm (to take a nap…those [related firm entity] guys work A LOT). I was invited back to join [current related entity] by Mr. Boss. Now Mr. Boss, what can I say about Mr. Boss? He’s been my mentor in the Compliance field for almost 7 years. He’s given me the opportunity to grow, to learn, to make mistakes and to take the reins. He is the walking encyclopedia of compliance related laws, rules and regulations to my “no need to memorize it; it’s available on the interwebz” style. My career in compliance would have gone nowhere without his guidance and I am eternally in his debt because of it.

While here in [current related entity], I also got to work with the talented teams of [another legal entity] and [one more legal entity]. These folks are the real deal. I would be happy to refer my relatives to these firms, confident that they would be treated fairly and with respect.

A few others at the firm without whom I wouldn’t have lasted as long as I did: list of 28 people. Each of you has had a hand in my success at [current related entity] and I want to thank you for all you do to make this firm great. If I continue talking about this group of people, I will cry. And it will not be a pretty cry; I’m no Helen Harris III.

I’d like to thank Mr. Facilities Manager 1 and Mr. Facilities Manager 2 for saying that if my water broke in the office, they wouldn’t be mad at me. They confided that such a scenario is a recurring nightmare for them. I’m sorry I couldn’t make your dreams a reality.

Though my personal preference is not to do so, there are individuals at [current related entity] who forced me to memorize certain sections of the Policies and Procedures. Your relentless questioning of the rules, regulations, laws, policies, guidelines, canons, commandments, suggestions, dictums, edicts, regimens, statutes and precepts helped strengthen my resolve when you had me questioning myself. You are the reason I am so comfortable quoting section and page number of the P&Ps along with a solid “no” response, something for which my children thank you as well. On a serious note though, your unwillingness to accept an answer you didn’t understand because I wasn’t articulating the reason clearly enough challenged me to grow in my role and build confidence in my understanding and interpretation of our P&Ps. I appreciate your tenacity. But the answer is still “no.”

August 2nd will be my last day at the firm. Feel free to keep in touch with me at [personal email address]. (If you find me on LinkedIn or Facebook, don’t worry, I will not be monitoring your postings for adherence to regulatory and firm restrictions anymore.) I’d love hearing from you and would welcome the chance to engage in an adult conversation from time to time. I wish each of you continued success in your wealth management careers and I look forward to hearing about all the great things you accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you posted it! :) But congratulations!! I don't think I knew that you had your 3rd on the way!!
