Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Amen Family - How It All Started (Part III)

The following Monday evening, I was sitting with Grace again in the front row of the lecture hall for our Graduate Managerial Accounting class, when Mr. Amen walked in and sat directly across the semi-circle from me.  “Ugh, how am I supposed to concentrate in this class with that cute guy sitting right in front of me?”  I whined to Grace.  She just laughed.

The next night, I was sitting in the 4th row of our Graduate Marketing class when he walked in and sat right in front of me.  Then, our professor asked us to form groups of 4 for that semester’s team project.  I paired up with the girl next to me; Mr. Amen paired up with the guy next to him; they turned around and we formed a group of four.  Finally, a perfect excuse to talk to him!

Our first conversation was a little tense.  We started talking and I asked him where he was from.  He told me his country’s name and asked me if I knew where it was.  I said I did.  He didn’t believe me.  He pulled out his daily planner that had a world map on the inside cover and asked me to point out his country on the map.  I quickly snatched the planner from his hands and pointed to his country.  He seemed surprised I had gotten it right.  Years later, Mr. Amen divulged that he too had noticed me right away, but refused to like me until he knew I was smart.  When I pointed his country out on that map, he allowed himself to like me.

Soon, we began hanging out outside of class with other friends.  One evening in late October, a group of friends had made plans to go to a haunted house for fun ahead of Halloween (what were we thinking?!).  At the last minute everyone backed out of the outing except Mr. Amen and me.  We ended up going together anyhow and had a fun time together.  We picked up dinner on our way back and watched a movie at my apartment.  It was our first unofficial “date”.

He asked me out for the following weekend on a real date.  We were going to the movies.  We planned on seeing a movie, Se.ven Yea,rs in, but when we got to the theatre it wasn’t showing there.  We had gone to the wrong theatre.  So we decided to see in Cl.ub instead.  Not exactly a first date movie, but that’s what we saw.  After the movie we stopped at So.nic for a bite to eat.  Mr. Amen’s car wouldn’t start when we tried to leave.  We had to get some guys to help him push it so I could pop the clutch to start the engine.  After a quick detour to his uncle’s house to pick up a different vehicle, he took me home.  As he dropped me off he asked me out again.  He was surprised I was willing to take the chance on seeing him again after the car trouble.  Really?!?!  I would have gladly jumped in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for the chance to go out with him again. J

That’s how we began our dating relationship…next I’ll tell you about the proposal.

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